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Make the impact only you can make when you "ListenWell!" to what your authentic life story is telling you.

Life coaching for Youth and Adults who want to, 

"Live with Purpose, and Lead with Vision!"

Pivotal Life Junctures

At certain moments, we all make choices that will change our life's course. Gain clarity and insight so you can make informed, confident decisions. 

Creating Roadmaps

In a busy, noisy world, it's easy to get distracted. Create a roadmap that helps you align your actions with your values and makes sure what you're doing today will get you where you want to go.

ListenWell Way

For over 20 years, Carlos has shared the ListenWell Way, an invitation to "Live with Purpose, and Lead with Vision!" (LPLV). A certified life coach, Carlos will help you live your authentic life.

It's a fast-paced noisy world and it's easy to keep busy… and keep scrolling… but are your actions aligned with your unique gifts and desires? 

Schedule Your Ah-Hah Call

You are intimately connected to this beautiful planet, with an extraordinary opportunity to contribute to the miracle that is this world! 


How you choose to spend your days, and what you choose to do with your precious life matters. A lot!

Most of us want to do something amazing with our lives, but where do we start?

As a certified professional life coach, I know that what often stops people from taking action isn't a lack of desire or giftedness, it's that they don't have a roadmap. They don't know how to get from where they are now to where they want to be. I work with teens and adults to help them "ListenWell" to what their inner self and life experience is telling them. Then we map out a course to help them combat limiting influences, gain helpful resources, and move forward on their journey. 

5 steps to making your impact on the world


Get off the hamster wheel of life.


Identify the major influences in your life.


Map out your course.


Adjust course as you continually transform and enrich your life.


Make your genuine impact on this world. 

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"I was skating and I knew it. Carlos helped me tune in and create a roadmap for changing my reality. I opened my own hair salon and love running my own business. I feel more alive than ever before."

Maxine M.

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"I had a career in banking for 30 years. After I retired from there I started driving a school bus part-time. When I met Carlos he noticed that I complained a lot about the stresses of the job. He asked challenging questions that helped me define the kind of retirement I wanted to have, instead of the kind that took over when I just let it happen. I'm so glad I took the time be more intentional,and allowed a fresh set of eyes into my story, giving me perspective!"


"Does my life really matter? Yes, yes, yes! My conversations with Carlos stimulated my thinking of life's possibilities, and it felt like I just drank a cup of coffee with a double shot of espresso!" 


Thank you!

Do you "ListenWell?" Take the quiz.

  • Identify healthy, and unhealthy influences.

  • Create a roadmap for getting, and staying on course.

  • Stay focused on what's meaningful to you.

  • Feel alive and authentic.

  • Have a healthy relationship with life's busyness. 

  • Make your contribution to the world.

When you work with ListenWell, you can:

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